The Old Bostonian Association

Hubert Turpin (BGS 1927-1964)

How about "Tilly" Turpin who used to shake up ink bottles and remove the cap and paint our noses with it? If he ran out of ink he would use coloured chalks. Remember Tilly`s habit of snorting snuff up his nostrils?

Edwin Killick (1955-1962)

"Tilly"'s History class, the old Science Block after conversion to a huge, spacious classroom.

Dapper Hubert is ensconced at the desk, dictating from his dog-eared notes, "Main heading, 'The Industrial Revolution', double underline, different colour, miss two lines, sub-head....aaah, aaah, suuuuub,....suuuuub CHOOOOOUME".

You could always spot the blokes who sat at the front of Tilly's class, as the contents of Tilly's snuff-stuffed nostrils were bombarded into the front row, innocent "miserables" took shelter behind their exercise books which were invariably pebble-dashed an interesting shade of bronze. These tomes matched perfectly the hue of Hubert's enormous handkerchiefs which resembled the world's biggest chamois leather.

David White (1957-1964)
Web design by Simon Meeds

Updated 21 February, 2005