The Old Bostonian Association

George Ward "Binky" Border
(BGS Staff 1921-1949)

Lawrence Evans (BGS ?-1935) remembers "Binky" Border reading stories of the First World War on 11th November each year.

Binky Border, the senior Maths teacher, was also Deputy Headmaster. He had been a Major in the First World War and saw Army service in France. He gained his MA at Christ Church College, Oxford, after being admitted while head boy at Lincoln Grammar School. He coxed the Head of the River crew at Christ Church. Between the wars he was an officer in the Territorial Army and was recalled to the Lincolnshire Regiment in 1939 and served with the Army Education Corps. He was extremely frustrated, when he was released by the Army and returned to BGS in 1941.

I admired him greatly, for he was able to control a class without using any force and never resorted to sarcasm. One occasion especially illustrates his method of putting a point across with the utmost effect but with the least fuss. 'Froggy' Howse, the veteran French teacher, was walking laboriously along the corridor, for he had trouble with his legs and could not hurry. Some first-formers were walking behind and mocking him. 'Binky' came up quietly behind them and made them look even smaller than they were. HE told them that the man they chose to ridicule was an Amateur International and in his younger days had played centre forward for England.

Paul Mould

From Centennial Anthology by Paul Mould
Web design by Simon Meeds

Updated 21 February, 2005