The Old Bostonian Association

The Summer Supper Dance 1999

(Photograph by Pete Swift)

A great time was had by all who attended. There was, however, disappointment at the lower numbers than in previous years.

A post-mortem produced several possibilities for the lower turn-out of which the most likely was the change to a Friday. A clash of commitments kept many away who would otherwise have been present. A return to a mid-week evening may well be undertaken in the future.

The music was a delight, provided by the school jazz band under Nick Fitton and a senior band of OBs led by Mark Hilton.

Over £300 was raised and of this a donation of £50 was made to the school jazz band. The balance was paid into the President's Centenary Appeal Fund.
Web design by Simon Meeds

Updated 21 February, 2005